
Ammonium Paratungstate

Ammonium paratungstate (APT) is a white crystalline powder with low water solubility used in the production of tungsten oxide, metal tungsten powder and tungsten acid.

Consulting Products

Ammonium paratungstate (APT) is an important chemical compound of tungsten. It is often used as an intermediate product in producing tungsten metal and various tungsten compounds.

Chemical Composition: Ammonium paratungstate has the chemical formula((NH4)10W12O41·5H2O. It comprises ammonium ions (NH4+), tungstate ions (W12O42^10-), and water molecules.

Appearance: APT is typically found in the form of white or off-white crystalline powder or granules.


- Scheelite concentrate soda pressure cooking-solvent extraction-evaporation crystallisation method.

- Wolframite concentrate high-pressure alkali boiling (caustic soda)-ion exchange-evaporation crystallisation method.


   - Tungsten Production: Ammonium paratungstate is a common intermediate in the production of tungsten metal. It is often converted into tungsten oxide, which can be further processed to obtain pure metal.

   - Catalysts: APT can be used as a catalyst in various chemical reactions, particularly in the petrochemical industry.

   - Pigments: In some cases, APT is used to produce pigments for ceramics and paints.

Tungsten Applications: Tungsten, derived from APT, is known for its high melting point and density, making it useful in a wide range of applications, including the manufacturing of electrical wires, light bulb filaments, and various industrial tools.

Ammonium paratungstate plays a crucial role in the tungsten industry, serving as an intermediate product that is further processed to obtain various tungsten materials with specific properties for different applications.


FSSS: 30-60um

Scott Density: 1.8-2.5g/cm3 


Screening & Packaging:

(1) 100% through 60mesh screen;

(2) Bag packaging: inner double plastic bags and an outside woven bag with net weight of 50kg/1000kg;

(3) Drum packaging: inner double plastic bags with net weight of 100kg/200kg per drum. 

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